Site on the
Nile in Egypt .
Ruins of the city of pharaoh Akhetaten (c.1352-1336 B.C). Finding place of 382
tablets (up to the year 2000) in cuneiform script, who are describing the
quarrels in Canaan in the 14th
century B.C. during the reigns of the paraohs Amenophis III and IV and of
Tutankhamon. Most of the tablets contains letters from persons in Canaan to the pharaoh. Letter 101 is particularly
importance, because for the first time non-Egyptian ships were used in attacks
by a mysterious people: the Mi-lim and also by the people of Arwada. Although
it is just before the time, that we are going to speak of the Phoenicians, this
is very curious and peculiar.
Tablet 101
is made by a man in Gubla (Byblos )
to a high Egyptian official or even the pharaoh himself. The beginning of the
letter is missing. The communication starts with the statement, that Haia is an
enemy of the pharaoh. Then the Mi-Lim people and the ships of Arwada are
mentioned. It seems, that the Mi-lim are an independent people, probably of an
island and sea-faring. The people of Arwada seem to have been allied with the
sons of Abdi-AĊĦirta of Amurru towards Gubla.
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